RFID Based School Attendance Management System (StundentTrack)

RFID Attendance Management System

Employee attendance management system is very important for companies in order to maintain employee’s payroll, safety, production, maintenance and for many other corporate needs.

In this system employee will have a RFID card and RFID reader will be placed on the door of entry gate of the company or on the door. Whenever employee wants to enter in the office, he/she has to show the RFID card to the reader, then reader will note down the logging time. In the same manner employee has to show the card so the exit time will be noted.

  • This system will be fully automated and it does not require any human interaction except setting the initial time.
  • This system is accurate and can avoid proxy or false attendance.
  • Help you manage your workforce and track employees time & attendance easier more efficient and affordable way.
  • In this with the click of a button employee’s data can be imported to create many informative time and attendance report.